Play is so important to a child's development, heres some things to do to help them
Get messy
Lighten up, now is the time that you allow out your inner child to come out for a while as you show you child how to play with paint, dolls, teddies, tea sets, telephones, and clothes for dress-ups.
Go to the park
Traditional active play things like slides, swings, round abouts, ball pools, sand and water play are great.
Feed the ducks
It is amazing how much children love to feed ducks so if you are lucky enough to have ducks near by feed them.
Build a castle
Creative play like play dough, Lego, bricks, boxes, trucks, cars, simple train sets and farm and zoo sets. As your toddlers grows their imagination will develop and they will start to develop stories for the things they are playing with, try to encourage their imagination and join in, remember you are never too old to play with trains or take imaginary tea with teddy and dolly and it is all in the name of a good cause your child’s development!.
Get an extra pair of hands
It can't all be play the house has still got to be cleaned, when you are doing house hold tasks entertain your toddler by getting them to give you a helping hand. It is great to get you toddler to help around the house, you can let your toddler help you with real or give them child-size equipment. They love to use brooms and mops, help you wash up plastic dishes or rinse out socks, dust, so not only are you helping your partner but you are helping your child to develop, two for one.
Plant some seeds
If you have a garden your toddler will love to help you digging and planting so you can teach them all about nature whilst having fun playing in the garden. Toddlers will love to see a plant that they have planted grow so try lettuce or sun flowers as they grow quickly.
Use your DIY skills
Toys do not have to be expensive or even toys some of the best toys are home made toys. A box turned into a fort, a washing up liquid bottle turned into a rocket ship, these are the things that they will play with for hours so let your imagination run wild.
Get your groove on
Toddlers love to jump around and dance so put on CD and sing and dance together. It is good to teach your child nursery rhymes that have actions as well such as “Head and shoulders, knees and toes”. Or teach them the words to your favourite song it’s all good for them and fun for you.
Stay Alert
Toddlers can move at an amazing pace and have no fears or sense of danger so make sure you supervise them closely at all times, especially around water and climbing equipment. Be on hand to settle disputes if several toddlers are playing together they will happen. Check toys regularly to make sure they are still safe: no sharp or jagged edges, no loose small parts. Be aware of choking hazards, flammable and toxic materials.
But most of all have fun!!