If the child is older there are lots of ways in which you can prepare them for the world of nursery and or preschool.
- Visit the nursery or school with your child to give them an opportunity to see a class at work.
- Try to be positive and excited about it, make it an adventure even if you are dreading them going.
- Walk past at break-time to show children playing happily.
- Explain exactly what will happen during the day.
- Try to read books together about children starting school or nursery.
- Point out any friends or cousins who've recently started school or nursery and talk about the fun they're having.
- Talk about your child's interests and the things he'll enjoy there.
- Talk about the enjoyable activities they will be doing that build on things they already does at home - painting, drawing, cutting and pasting and listening to stories, for example.
point out the structure and routines in a day at home: "Now it's our lunchtime and at school you'd be eating your lunch now." - Practise doing up buttons and fastening his shoes, but don't worry or pressure them if this proves too difficult. Nursery and reception class teachers are used to helping children in the early days.
- Practise social skills, such as taking turns, following directions and making choices. Visit friends with children or invite other children to play.
- Teach simple chores that may be useful at nursery, such as packing away toys.
Help your child to recognise their name. Most children can't read or write yet, but they maybe able to recognise the first letter of their name or even the whole thing.
Remember, all these activities should be fun - it's important not to pressure your child most find it quite daunting until they have been there awhile and then they often don't want to come home.