Thursday, July 17, 2008

Crying - why they do it

Toddlers cry a lot and believe it or not it is not always just to get on your nerves. Toddlers cry for many different reasons, apart from the obvious, hunger, tiredness, in pain the same as a baby. As they becomes more self aware they begin to cry for other reasons they include:

  • Fear of strange places or people, load noises etc

  • Anger and frustration, if they cannot do what they want to do or tell you what they want to say.

  • Attention, if a toddler feels they are being ignored they will cry to get you to pay attention.

  • Anxiety, especially about separation from you or your partner or being left with a new person.

  • Rebellion, your child may just wish to exert their independence.

  • Toddlers have no concept of embracement and will cry no matter where you are they don't care if you are at a wedding or in the supermarket it is all the same to them. Most mums suggest a quick cuddle to calm them down and then distracting them is the best solution. Remember its a hard time for them they have few ways of expressing their feelings if they won't calm down it is sometimes best to take them out of the environment but this is not always practical, they will calm eventually so try to stay patient.