Thursday, July 03, 2008

Dressing and undressing themselves

It may not seem it but getting in and out of your clothes for yourself is a great step towards independence. Usually undressing will come first, you'll notice socks and shoes get pulled off followed by the usual 'game' as your toddler resists having them put back on. Then their clothes will be pulled off at any given opportunity, children love to be stark naked especially when you want them to be dressed, many parents have suffered the embarrassment of your child running through the house just as friends arrive, its like they have a sixth sense about when the most embarrassing time will be.

Contrary to how it may seem your child isn't doing it to tax your patience, dressing and undressing provides a host of opportunities for them to practice their hand, eye coordination. Try to help your child out by creating as many chances for success as possible.

If your toddler especially enjoys dressing themselves, provide them with a box of dress-up clothes that are easy to manage they will spend hours changing cloths. When it comes to them dressing themselves for the day, your toddler will do best with pants that have elastic waists, pull-on tops, and Velcro-fastening shoes to minimize morning struggles, this will cut down on the tears and tantrum if they take too long or have to be helped.

Its good to introduce any new challenges such as buttons or zips one at a time. By the age of four, they will be able to dress and undress themselves with little help.