Saturday, July 12, 2008


One of the most difficult things to deal with when you have a toddler can be incessant whinging “mum I want….“ or constantly saying no or refusing to do as they are told. Occasionally, whingeing reflects a more generalised miserable mood, which may be caused by hunger, fatigue or illness. If this is not the case do all you can to give positive attention to non-whiny behaviour and practise calmly refusing until your toddler asks properly in a reasonable tone.

If they can't talk yet, you may need to distract them with another activity when the whining starts. It can be so tempting to give in to demands for a bit of peace, but this is a mistake as it will only make the behaviour worse in the future. You can not give in to demands but it is best to explain why not just refuse. But try not to get into a debate remember that you are the boss and whether you child likes it or not for what ever reason what you say goes.